Monday, December 6, 2010

Method 12

Some of the things I learned about might be useful, I have thought of putting my articles from the old county newspapers on line - a blog might be the way to go - people could coment on them. A wiki I don't know about - people being able to go in and change things. Podcasting I really can't see myself doing. We'll see, you never know what the future will hold.

Method 11

I am pretty sure podcasts are a no-no with our tech.

method 10

Wiki - don't know what to say.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Method 9

didn't chat.

Method 8

I am not sure I have a good feeling about social networking sites, I don't like the idea of putting thoughts, info etc for other people to read and maybe comment on to other people - I know they can do that talking face to face with other people but it just seems kind of creepy to me to know that this is going 'out there', somewhere to be read some time down the line. Although so far no one has looked at my blog so I guess it is a moot point.
MySpace is blocked at work and I don't have that much curiosity about it to look at it at home.
If the library had a Facebook account I would certainly want it to be strictly professional.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Picasa v Flikr

Without spending more time on each I really don't know how much difference there is, or which one would be the easiest to do. But I guess that would really depend upon how much time and effort you are willing to spend on it.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Method 5

I really like this waterfall picture.
I can see where sharing of old photos would be a goldmine for genealogist, but I don't know about putting photos of living people. My philosophy is that if there is one person who can make something secure there are even more out there that can make something unsecure. - No I am not very trusting.

Friday, July 9, 2010

RSS Method 4

I choose - 0.7 posts per week, - 20.5 posts per , - 4.2 posts per week as my feeds (don't know if I did this right).
Now this I can see where it would be helpful. When I get on the computer at home it is not that often or for that long, so if I am really interested in a subject it will be right there for me and hey I don't have to rack my poor brain trying to remember what I wanted to look at.

Method 3 - Cloud computing

I don't really see myself using these 'features' any where in the near future. I am a private person and I can't really see myself even storing my photo 'out there' to keep them safe.
But I can see some advantages, if you are more adventuresome than me. If you are into genealogy and have a lot of photos you want to share; if you don't have a computer and have to use a friends or a public one to do homework, etc., you don't have to worry about loosing a disk or flash drive.
But if you are a business are you willing to put all of your files 'out there' out of your control?
Of course if you are disorganized this might be a great way to keep at least one part of your life organized.
I quess this is another we will just have to wait and see.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Methods1 and 2

Looks like the end of libraries as we know them. Out with books and bring on the computers.
Sorry but it doesn't sound real exciting to me.


Test page.